Point 1
They first of all need the teaching and encouragement of a
Leader who life is committed to show the supernatural ways of
Jesus Christ.
I am a beginner, it is only 3 years since I came to Doncaster
and hardly qualified and able to talk about this great subject.
But the need is so pressing. The fields are white unto harvest,
and people need to see Christianity in action, before they will
believe. The Church needs to embrace all the gifts of the Spirit,
if it is to win this and future generations. And it needs to
be done outside the church building, as well as present inside.
Jesus teaching method of healing was rabbinical that is: He
first talked about it, then demonstrated it in action, then
He got his disciples to do it, than He corrected any mistakes.
I believe that head knowledge in Bible Collages alone will not
save this nation, It going to take a new generation of Christians
who are baptized in the Spirit, to shake our cities and this
All the gifts of the Spirit are available to any Christian who
truly desires them. God our Heavenly Father will not withhold
any gift to His child if he/she really needs them. We have 9
gifts of the Spirit all listed in 1 Corinthians 12v8-10. All
are empowered by the Holy Spirit and available to any baptized
in the spirit Acts 19v4-6
I believe that Anointing and Impartation are necessary for the
committed Christian who seeks to enter into this Healing ministry.
One cannot do it alone. We should learn, and come under the
discipleship of a Leader within a recognized church to whom
we are accountable.
Point 2
The need for humility and compassion
We must show respect to any person by learning their first
name, and asking them before we pray or do any thing for them.
They are an independent person who has the right to refuse.
If we violate a person respect we risk bringing our self into
disrepute and worse we dishonor the name of Christ.
Our words and actions must be sensitive. We should really feel
empathy when people are hurting emotionally and be prepared
to listen to their story. And in the same way with our touch.
It must be gentle caring and full of feeling.
Humility is the way of Jesus, it is like a magnet that attracts
the presence of the Holy Spirit. We are servant of God and His
fellow workers, but should never exalt ourselves, but only Jesus
Christ as our Lord.
Love is never an easy thing. It requires commitment, it always
protects, always trusts always hopes and always perseveres,
1 Corinthians 13v7. Love must be shown by action. People always
know you are genuine by your love. You cannot fake it. You receive
it by knowing the Love of Christ has for you, and every person,
whom He died for on the cross. You show "That Love"
because it's, become so central to who you are, part of the
Christ living in you.
Point 3
The need to listen and follow what the Holy Spirit is saying
The primary responsibility of a disciple of Christ is to listen
to the Holy Spirit. ( John 16v12-15). We do this primarily by
building up sensitivity to Him during our times of worship and
prayers and during our quiet time. We also do it by reading
God's Word and meditate on its truth. We need to be in step
with the Spirit ( Gal 5v25 ) and able to have a such close contact
that we are able to ask for help and receive it when needed.
When we receive this help we must be obedient to the directions
of the Holy Spirit. Jesus say his business was to do his father
work ( John 9v4 ), and He only did and said what the father
told him. ( John 12v49 ).
"Do whatever He tells you" were Mary's instruction
to the servants, when Jesus turned water into wine. Healing
happens if we are just servants following the Lord's instruction.
Words of Knowledge is one of the gifts of the Spirit where feeling,
impression, visions all matter and can make the all the difference,
to revealing the hidden, exposing the demonic, and releasing
the entrapped. Words of Knowledge and Healing do work together.
Point 4
The need to exercise faith in the victory that, Christ has
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what
we do not see.
( Hebrew 11v1). Our Faith needs to rest in the Work that Christ
for us on the cross and nothing else. It certainly does not
rest on our performance which will always be deficient. Christ
won for us a decisive victory over Satan, over death and over
all infirmity. The Greek word Sozo means salvation for our sins
but it has a greater meaning its not just forgiveness of sins
but include deliverance from bondage, the provision of wholeness
in our soul, as well as health for the body
We need to realize that God does not wish us ill nor is He the
cause of our diseases. But Satan, and his demon hosts, only
wish us to live in pain and suffering and infirmity. When we
heal people by the name of Jesus Christ we are doing a battle
in the heavenlies to release the benefits of heaven to earth.
Faith is the key which opens the gateway of all that Christ
died for. When we exercise faith, mountains ( our problems )
can be moved. nothing becomes impossible for you
( Matt 17v21).
When Jesus Christ freely went to the cross of suffering and
death for us, it was to bring in His Kingdom, the Kingdom of
God. This can be experienced now in our present life, as well
as in the future where God has promised us no crying, no pain,
and no death. ( Revelation 21v4 )
Point 5
The need to realize the Authority we have in Christ
Christians like policemen have been given authority, not in
civil matters but in the spiritual heavenlies. Jesus gave his
disciples power and authority to drive out demons and cure diseases
(Luke 9v1). and later he gave the 72 disciple the authority
and power to heal the sick ( Luke 10v9 ). The authority was
given in the great commission (Matt 28v19 ) "Go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them
to obey everything I have commanded you .
Jesus promised the power of the Holy Spirit to come upon the
disciples ( Act1v8 ) "But you will receive power when the
Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem
and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth".
This happened at Pentecost. And since that date the kingdom
as been forceful advancing ( Matt 11v12 ) as his disciples have
spread throughout the world.
Being forceful means we need to issue commands like "be
healed" or "infection to go". Its best to use
"in the name of Jesus Christ" to show the source of
our proclamation.
It's not right to ask God to do what He as commanded us to do,
He has commanded us to heal the sick, not to pray to the father.
Its also not right to beg God for mercy as if we are pleading
Him. He wants to do just what you are commanding because it
brings glory to His Son.
If the power and authority we have is not resulting in any effect
we need to continue by repeating our commands repeatedly, just
as a policeman would. Healing does not always happen instantaneously,
but we can be sure that God will continue to use the body's
natural healing mechanisms. When there is demonic involvement,
we command the afflicting spirit to go, we also have the option
of calling upon God for Angels to come, and enforce the Victory
of Christ.
Reading list
Learning to heal John Coles ISBN 978-1-85078-857-7
The essential guide to healing Bill Johnson
Randy Clark ISBN978-0-8007-9519-1
Power Healing John Wimber ISBN 0-340-39090-5
If you've not yet read Julie Peace's book... its a must!!
I cried so much when I read it... it was riveting...
A great present for an unbeliever.