Food for thought

2nd May 2011

If you love today - you will be stronger tomorrow Anon

"Speak when you are angry and you will make the
best speech you will ever regret." Ambrose Bierce




Chinese woman dies and goes to heaven and returns

Precious Lord - Brendan MacFarlane - Music Videos


The Exodus Conspiracy-Upcoming Motion Picture

part 2

part 3

For those unfamiliar with the Caldwells' story the following is essential viewing.


Jim and Penny Caldwell's painstakingly documented explorations deep into the Arabian Peninsula over an 8 year period corroborates in great detail the earlier findings of the late Ron Wyatt - but it goes further by fleshing out the exodus and 40 year wandering accounts in startling ways that may begin the transformation of humanity's self-identity, and hence, the political landscape of the planet beginning in Israel and the middle-east. It is for that latter reason perhaps that there is a relentless effort, for those who know the extensive background, to discredit and marginalize the late Ron Wyatt and his archaeological discoveries, that is, until perhaps one day his finds can be exploited by the global political power structure toward the goal of openly establishing a one world government and erect a Masonic temple in Jerusalem for a future world leader to set himself up in as the Christ of the new age. We shall see.


Click below to see all parts to a 8 part interview


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The art of thinking 'lightly'

March 2011
by John Paul Jackson


Praise and Worship Rainbow Ribbons
A beautiful gift


Here's another of my new songs.... Prodigal Son

You did it all







2nd May 2011

The Lord is saying. You have come to a cross roads, turn not to the left or right but walk on the path you have been walking, full steam ahead. Let nothing distract you from the vision that is before you. I have not changed my mind.






Fear Not My Child

(Taken from Katey Moreland's book, Fear Not My Child, yet to be published)


Week 34 (01.05.11)

'And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you.
He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you;
Do not fear nor be dismayed'
Deuteronomy 31: 8

The most frightening time for me in recent years was when I returned to the UK from 3 months in Kenya only to find not only did I not have any money left in the bank, but I was in debt. I was en-route to Germany for six weeks, a trip the Lord put on my heart to buy an air- ticket for six months earlier. I knew no-one in Germany, had no place to stay arranged, and now I found out I had no finances to fall back on. I was scared! But God's calling to Germany had been so strong I knew I should go. He did just as His Word promises -He went before me to arrange my provision. He walked with me, introducing me to both families and individuals who would provide for my stay. He never left me nor forsook me and proved to me I need never be afraid or dismayed . . . and will do the same for you.


Dear Lord God, strong and mighty,
When frightening events take place in my life help me to see You have not abandoned me, but want to use the experience to develop my faith. Faith and fear cannot dwell together; as I choose to trust You to go before me and remain with me Your gift of faith will increasingly overcome fear in my life. In Jesus' name I Thank You. Amen!




Prayer Requests

Hi Shirley, I wonder if u could put this on the prayer site.

My friend's mother-in-law is desperately ill in D R I. She's in her eighties and sadly, showing no signs of improvement. My friend's husband feels he has to keep challenging the nursing staff about their neglect of his mum. As my friend's mother is also ill in DRI you can imagine how stressful this is for them both. Please pray for their care and that all involved will truly come to know the Lord Jesus's mercy on their lives,



Please pray for M who is on all sorts of tranquillisers and anti-depressants that she will be able to have a vision for the future and that she come into the full potential of all her talents and be set free in her mind completely. Her greatest need is to be able to be free from negative thoughts in the morning.


Please could you continue to pray for A's son that he will stay free from drugs and from the people who encouraged him in the past to take them. Please pray for his complete salvation in Jesus.


Thank you for prayers for the P family. After prayer the husband is walking about now. Please pray that their finances will be kept safe.


Please continue to pray for Jack who has cancer.


Just Joking!

Fred is riding down a country lane on a motorbike with Harry on the back. Harry shouts to his pal
"Stop!"" The wind is cutting the chest out of me". So Fred stopped the bike and said to Harry , "What you've got to do is take off your coat, turn it back to front, button it up at the back and that will stop the wind from getting at your chest.

So Harry put his coat on back to front, buttoned it up at the back, and off they went again. They were riding about a mile, and Fred turned round to see how he was getting on, but Harry wasn't there anymore.

So Fred went back about 4 miles and he found Harry laying on the road surrounded by 6 farmers. Fred ran over and said, "Is he alright?" One of the farmers replied "He seemed ok till we twisted his head back the right way"!!!


Inspirational moments

More beautiful poems by Catherine



Watch of the Lord

Gudrun Brewster




The Word of the Lord Ministries Int'l

Katey Moreland

What Katey's doing next.......