Food for thought

19th November 2019

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. – C.S. Lewis


Andrew Wommacks Foundation Course


Hi Friends,

We are now on the fifth week this Friday of the foundation course. If you are unable to attend you can catch up here. Also you can download and print the notes.




A sure foundation 1

A sure foundation 2

A sure foundation 3

A sure foundation 4

A sure foundation 5

A sure foundation 6

A sure foundation 7

A sure foundation 8

Notes pdf



How much more....

I had a dream this morning that was so profound that I knew it was from God. This is the general gist of it. It involved two other people. One was arguing that they wanted something owed from the other. The one they wanted it from, was dear to me and couldn't afford it. I wanted to shut the mouth of the first. I shouted for him to be quiet, and reminded him of how dear the person was to us. Then all of a sudden I was quoting over and over again to him. 'How much more shall the blood of Christ cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God'

I knew the problem was to do with the person's conscience being taught to make sure that every penny was accounted for! His conscience told him that this was the best and would override any genorosity because it seemsed the best thing to do!

And in that moment I understood that there are hang ups and strongholds that can be dealt with so easily and powerfully by the blood of Jesus. The answer is in applying it to the conscience. We take on commitments and inner vows that God never wanted us to take on. And even when we are born again they are working in our conscience to cause us to act in ways that keep us in bondage and are a disturbance to others. The scripture is one of the most powerful weapons we have got. The promise that the blood will free us from the bondage of a wrongly trained conscience I believe could solve more problems than we have ever realised.

...How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? Hebrews 9:14

Still in my dream state I saw a vision of a weighing scales. On the left were two heavy weights and on the right was a small bottle of what looked like anointing oil. The balance was equal. The bottle was so much lighter than the weights yet the scales were in balance.

My first thought was that the blood of Jesus is far more weightier to cleanse ounce for ounce the burden of our uncleansed conscience. But that didn't seem to make sense .....something was equal.


Well!..Candy, my daughter in grace, got the interpretation. Wow, wow!

If I can explain this right. Our conscience knows when something is wrong because it looks like a big sin like the heavy weights on the left. But something can look good but is equally as bad because it keeps us from Gods best therefore the blood of Jesus is required to cleanse us from the 'dead works' ... the things that are apparently seem ok but in actual fact keep us in bondage and stop us serving God. ... good job Candy

07951389403 or





Shirley's Song of the week




Hi Friends, As you know Flora had to cancel the prayer clinic last weekend but if anyone wants her to call and pray for you she is happy to do so. .

My number if 07951389403 text or call to arrange!