Food for thought     

“God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” –Hudson Taylor

Andrew Wommacks Foundation Course


Hi Friends,

We are now on the third week of the foundation course. If you are unable to attend you can catch up here. Also you can download and print the notes.




A sure foundation 1

A sure foundation 2

A sure foundation 3

A sure foundation 4

A sure foundation 5

A sure foundation 6

A sure foundation 7

A sure foundation 8

Notes pdf




Hi .. Flora Amar is coming on from London to hold a prayer clinic on Saturday. She is bringing a health practitioner with her to speak to anyone who wants advice about a health problem!

Saturday 16th November

Prayer clinic with Flora

11.30 taken
1.15 taken
3.00 taken
4.00 taken
6.00 taken
Ring me on 07951389403 for an appointment



Shirley's Song of the week